Thursday, February 23, 2012

Iron Queen (Iron Fae book 4)

by Julie Kagawa.

The conclusion of the original trilogy. Meghan and Ash are together at last in the mortal world but it seems they can not live on contentedly and see where life takes them. The Iron Fae are still trying to take over the never never and Meghan is the only one that could 'fight' them with her peculiar Iron magic.

This one was fantastic as well. Meghan finally becomes a bit stronger, learning to fight and becoming much more decisive and confident. There were some tragic, sad parts of the book but the journey all made sense and seemed necessary. If this was really the end I'd be very very sad about that, while the ending was almost epic, it wasn't ideal and I'm hoping the last book (after the short story) makes things a bit 'happier' - we shall see - she has some options here. Either way, Meghan's story is really done now and we get to see Ash continue on with Puck so I'm looking forward to that!

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