Monday, November 23, 2009

Valley of Silence (Circle Trilogy book 3)

by Nora Roberts.

The third book was the hardest for me to read. It took a while. Mostly because the book I was listening to (Choice of the Cat) and this one were both very violent and sometimes I need a break from work and violence is not relaxing. I did enjoy the book and eventually finished it and was very glad I did, it just went slower than the others.

Dance of the Golds (Circle Trilogy book 2)

by Nora Roberts.

The second book brings with it more violence, the 6 start to fight against the vampires when they can and more and more strengths are brought about. They prepare for the journey to Geall where the final war will be waged.

I enjoyed this one tremendously, I may have read it in a single day if I remember correctly and started right into the third.

Morrigan's Cross (Circle Trilogy book 1)

by Nora Roberts.

Another trilogy with 6 characters who come together to fight evil. This was quite enjoyable, mixing vampire lore with fairy lore and magic (witches and sorcerers). The first in this trilogy is the easiest to get through, while there's fighting the war hasn't actually started and you're learning more about the characters than anything else. Plus this book deals with the witch and sorcerer so it's filled with magic.

The Choice of the Cat (Vampire Earth book 2)

by. E.E. Knight.

The second book was very interesting, David has grown in ability and as a person. He truly is a one man army it seems. In this book he moves away from the Wolves and becomes a Cat although he's still a wolf at heart. He does some serious damage to the enemy (one of them) and develops a close relationship with a Grog. I look forward to seeing how the humans will learn to work with the Grogs to fight their common enemy. It will be a long road I believe.

Way of the Wolf (Vampire Earth book 1)

by E.E.Knight.

Well i needed a new book and found a new series :)

I purchased this book a while ago and it was the only thing on my ipod i hadn't listened to so it got nominated and I was hooked. It's sci-fi which isn't exactly what I normally read (but close enough) and I loved it.

The main character David Valentine is a human living during the time of the Kurian takeover (2050 thereabouts). He becomes a Wolf which is a soldier for the humans still revolting against the Kurians.

The story is captivating and action packed with enough friendships and human relationships to keep it interesting. I really enjoyed it and immediately wanted more when it was complete