Monday, June 30, 2008

Dead over Heels (Aurora Teagarden book 5)

by charlaine harris.

Hot off the press - just finished book 5 minutes ago. This one again was not easy to figure out who the murderer was and was a fun read. Again nothing extra captivating and again she skipped 2 whole years between books but the characters are still going strong and I'm still enjoying myself.

On to book 6 and 7!!!

The Julius House (Aurora Teagarden book 4)

by Charlaine Harris.

This is the 4th book and this series really jumps time between books. Aurora is now married and has a new house with a mystery twist - the prior occupants completely disappeared 6 years ago! I really didn't figure this one out until the end and it was quite a fun read. Not as captivating as her other series' go but fun!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Memory Keeper's Daughter

by Kim Edwards

This was not at all what I thought it was when I picked it up - it was very good though. It caused a lot of turmoil in my sleeping hours because I read before bed most nights. This book is about a doctor who in the sixties, delivers his wife's twins. The female twin has Down Syndrome so he sends her away with his nurse to a home. The nurse can not leave her and takes her and raises her as her own. He tells his wife that their daughter died. This secret he keeps and it builds a wall around him, between him and his family.

I think the hardest person for me to relate to in this book was the wife unfortunately, I hated the way she dealt with the distance in her marriage. I of course did not like the father for sending his daughter away but at least i could understand his reasons (they were described) - i didn't get this with the mother, maybe i just didn't feel like i knew her well enough to relate to her decisions.

All in all the book was very good and I enjoyed reading it up until the end. It was not a page turner and took a while to get through. I also realized while reading this that the bad dreams I have directly related to what I was reading - so it's back to happy, romantic murder mysteries for me for now.

Charlaine Harris - Aurora Teagarden series here I come - books 4,5,6 are waiting for me!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Secret Rage

by Charlaine Harris.

Wow that was a tough read. It was a good book though. This one was about a rapist and there are some graphic scenes (not very detailed but you don't have to be detailed to be graphic when it comes to rape). I'm very glad I read it but I wouldn't easily recommend this to just anyway, they need to be warned ahead of time for sure.

I have no idea what to read next - I'm waiting on a large order of books to arrive, I do not have the 3rd Lily Bard so that's out (and it's very hard to get a copy of!) - I should have the 4th and 5th Aurora Teagarden books coming soon, maybe those will be next. Rather than start a new series it might be good to continue this one a bit.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sweet and Deadly

by Charlaine Harris.

This was a very good mystery, light on the romance which was just fine with me. The mystery I thought was really good. My mom complained that some of Charlaine Harris' early work is a bit dated, there's a lot of stuff about racial tension in her early work which is strange to me, growing up in the Northeast, there just weren't any racial issues. So it's strange to have it be such a major part of some of her work.

For example in the Lily Bard series one of the white women is dating a black man at some point and this is scandalous - how bizaar, just a non-issue in my current life, i never would have even noticed it so it's kind of disconcerting to read about it like that. Hopefully this is because these are both dated and set in the south maybe.