Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Snow Flower started

I decided to start Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See.

So far I'm enthralled. I'm only a couple of chapters in but it's hard to put down and does remind me of how I felt reading Memoirs of a Geisha. I really enjoy getting to know new people that have such different lives than I do. It's a learning experience as well as an enjoyment!

Audio books:
Well I finished Imitation in death a while back and then listened to Remember When which is a crossover between Nora Roberts and JD Robb, short but very enjoyable. There was some confusion in the beginning with ordering of events but I ignored it.
Now I've started Divided in Death and it as always keeping my commute very enjoyable!

Monday, September 24, 2007

We Need to Talk about Kevin

by Lionel Shriver.

Finished Sunday morning. Well let's see - it was a good book, I'm glad I read it. The author pulled out the thesaurus a bit too much for my taste and a lot of the passages rambled on, but I tend to just glaze past that kind of thing (my fiance who also read this complains about that a bit more).

The story was a good one, with the almost constant school shootings of the 90's (probably still going on but I was in school at that time so it was closer to home) it brought a real perspective to things. I thought the end was very well done, predictable (more so by my fiance again) but well done. It is not a book to read if you want to sympathize with someone, I basically disliked/almost hated both parents and can't feel much sympathy for the boy either but I'm glad I read it (almost a "what not to do" type book).

I haven't decided what to read next, I have a nice new pile of books by my bedside after a run to Borders this weekend - lots of discount and on sale books! I can't wait to pick!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Sense & Sensibility

Oh it was delightful! I finished it wednesday night. Not as good as P&P but delightful in deed! I also just purchased the A&E special on it to watch (hopefully it comes today or tomorrow?).

I really loved a lot of the book, the development of the characters was great, I think part of what set it below P&P is that the building of the male characters was very light, it was very hard to get excited about them when there was so much doubt. With P&P there was such a buildup with Mr. Darcy, knowing so well the struggles both he and Eliz. went through. That sets it apart.

But I thoroughly enjoyed S&S and I'm very glad to have finally gotten to read it. I can't wait to watch it too!

Back to "We need to talk about kevin" now!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

One Month Later

Let's see where we're at one month later...

We Need to Talk about Kevin - about half way through, I switched books so my fiance could read it (he needed something to read labor day weekend) and he's finished it but now I'm engrossed in the new book and will get back to this for sure.

New Book - Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen, of course I love it, not as much as P&P but I really look forward to it each night and even stayed up late (till 2:30) last night to get a little in after watching P&P until 2am.

Finished Purity in Death right away. Also started and finished Portrait in Death which I really enjoyed.
Now I'm on Imitation in Death and it's really captured my attention with some of the references in there.