Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trust Me

by Jayne Ann Krentz.

Back to a time period where I understand the male/female relationship a little better. This one was great. I like the element of family in it. The drama from Desdemona took some getting used to since I'm such an introvert, I tended to see things from Sam's point of view more. I really enjoyed the book though.

Hmmm.. my bedside pile is now empty. I think with the house purchase coming along quickly and sewing for my sister's wedding that might be a good thing. I've been procrastinating too much and with a great excuse (reading). Time to read some books on Electrical work!

Monday, February 16, 2009


by Amanda Quick.

The last on my bedside table for now. This one was good, not as good as knights, I actually spread out the reading over a few days this weekend. It was still very enjoyable though. The mystery was very much lacking, a bit more romance in this one which is fine but I tend to like the danger a bit more.

Next up is a JAK - Trust Me I believe.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


by Amanda Quick.

This one was quite good. It seemed to be set in Medieval times instead of Victorian times, quite interesting. I really liked it - knights and castles :) I read this in 24 hours staying up until 3 am last night and finishing it this morning when I got up. It really was very good and I loved the characters, quite fun. Same theme of pretending to be engaged with the male lead always intending to marry but the female doesn't want to marry him unless he loves her, at least she had a good reason this time - her mother was in a loveless marriage (loved her father but her father didn't love her). Very well done.

Next up - Seduction :) That will be it for my Amanda Quick pile, i have one JAK after that, then I may be in the market for some new books!


by Amanda Quick.

Wow this one went very quickly... lets see - familiar theme - female poses as mistress of the male lead thinking he is dead - but he's not. They continue the charade while trying to catch a blackmailer. For a change the "bad" guy was portrayed as friendly and nice but generally if they are not a close friend of the male character and the male character doesn't like them, eventually it will turn out to be the bad guy :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows book 1)

by Kim Harrison.

This one took me a long while to get through, it just didn't grab me. It was interesting and I like the characters for the most part but I'm not sucked in and I don't think I'll continue the series. I found myself choosing to listen to the radio in the morning over this book and I really need books on my ipod that make me want to go for a walk mid-day instead of giving me excuses not to!


by Amanda Quick.

The next in line (I'm going alphabetical now).

This one is very intriguing, pirates and treasure, lots of fun. The female lead has 3 young nephews living with her which makes for some great family dynamics. The lead male character is from a family of pirates, but he's a business man. They make quite the pair and of course they end up posing as married (but more by accident than usual, kind of a backup plan). The mystery revolves around the hidden treasure which is a nice twist!

Friday, February 6, 2009


by Amanda Quick.

I have started on a pile of Amanda Quicks as bedtime reading. Not always a good idea because sometimes I end up staying up quite late to keep reading!

This one is about a woman who created her own business when her step father died leaving her and her sister penniless. She then needs to hire a new man-of-affairs/bodyguard when she decides to investigate the murder of a client. Eventually the man-of-affairs bit isn't enough and they decide to pose as an engaged couple and start up an affair. All very normal Amanda Quick - gotta love it when it's more of the same that you love!

Running Hot (Arcane Society book 5)

by Jayne Ann Krentz.

I love the Arcane Society series! And book 6 comes out in April. I waited to read Running Hot because I really didn't want hard cover but then it came out in audible and I scooped it up! Hopefully book 6 will do the same.

This one has a tie back to the Eclipse Bay series that I've also almost finished. Really neat! I really like the Arcane series because there's a little more danger and a lot of mystery and the paranormal twists are just great. I can't get enough of these!

This one had a lot of setup for a future one that I assume is coming down the pike which will tie up a romance for Fallon Jones. Not the next though - that's an Amanda Quick so it's back to Victorian Age!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dawn in Eclipse Bay (Eclipse Bay book 2)

by Jayne Ann Krentz.

This is the second in the Eclipse Bay series. After enjoying the first one after Christmas I went and bought the second and third. This one was very enjoyable, I still think the Madison/Harte Romeo & Juliet theme is a little over done but it wasn't bad. This time there was no murder - still a little danger and mystery though. And the first two characters from book 1 made a nice appearance. Also a setup for book 3 was given (just like in book 1).

I'm not jumping to read book 3 (which is good since my sister is borrowing it) - I think I'm going to jump into the world of Amanda Quick for a while (I have 5 stacked up). Then get back to Eclipse Bay later. I think Running Hot (Arcane book 5) which I will start listening to today ties into Eclipse Bay by referencing Arizona Snow (A.Z.) which should be neat!