Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Secret Diary of Miss Miranda Cheever (Bevelstoke book 1)

by Julia Quinn.

Trying out another new author (although i've read one of hers previously -- 10 thinks I love about you).

This one is part of a trilogy that follows the Bevelstoke family (2 brothers and a sister). The eldest brother Turner has been widowed by a horrible woman and declares he will never marry again but he is attracted to Miss Miranda Cheever, a dear and close friend of his younger sister's. Miranda has been in love with Turner since she was 10 and he walked her home the day they met.

First - the reader was a bit strange (and slow) but not horrible. In general this was very good. I kind of wish the main character had done more with writing/diary entries, but she literally just wrote down what she ate/did that day - didn't become a writer or anything.

All in all a good one and I look forward to Olivia's story which is next. I guess the third one doesn't follow the other brother though, so I wonder what happens to him in Olivia's story. I already read 10 things I love about you - dont' know how it ties with the Bevelstoke's though.

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