Friday, August 7, 2009

Fire Study (Study book 3)

by Maria V. Snyder.

And the final in the trilogy. This book rounds out the relationship between Yelena and Leaf more, they become closer and Leaf becomes a more likable character. The first half of the book does not include Yelena's Ixian friends at all but the second half rectifies that and even includes a return to Ixia for Yelena (bringing along Leaf).
The second half of the book flies by, with Yelena in trouble, then in trouble, then in more trouble, with a doom and gloom about the whole thing, it's really best to just keep going and get to the end. Things more very fast, especially compared to the rest of the trilogy and a lot happens in the last 40 minutes especially (in the audio form).

I finished this up while working on the house Saturday and now I'm taking a short break from audiobooks (just for the next 2 weeks) so I can learn some Italian again.

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