Sunday, March 16, 2008

Change of Heart

by Jodi Picoult.

I finished this book Friday night (around 2am)! I thoroughly enjoyed what the author did with this book and as always I loved the ending (sometimes I don't love the ending but appreciate them). This book dealt with the death penalty and religion. I really like how the author can delve into huge issues without getting preachy. The story itself is just enchanting.. about halfway through i was thinking "I know where this is going to go - no surprises - but this is Jodi Picoult so it probably is a surprise" -- and I was right - I was able to guess some things but not all and was very pleased.

I haven't decided what to read next, being a mini vacation i wanted something light but my "next up" book is not a light one so I'm listening to the end of Master of Dragons instead for now and will put off the new book decision until at least tomorrow!

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