Sunday, June 14, 2009

Strong Poison (Lord Peter Whimsey book 1)

by Dorothy Sayers.

This is a new series that a coworker started me on. She's letting me borrow the series (there are 4 total with Harriet Vane) and she highly recommended them. When she described them I was hooked already.

The first book is about a rich man who likes to do investigations in his free time. He goes to the trial of a woman accused of murdering her ex-fiance with poison. He believes her innocent and decides to prove it - with the hopes of convincing her to marry him after she is free. Sound Amanda Quickish? oh yea - except it's not the Victorian age :)

This was a delight to read and the mystery kept me guessing until the end which I loved. I can't wait to read the next.

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