Monday, June 11, 2007

Mistress of Dragons

By Margaret Weiss - I just finished this audiobook - and I sure did enjoy it! It reminded me a lot of Poison Study and Magic Study (can't wait for Fire Study to come out in October!).

I'm looking forward to more in this series and I'm going to go order some now!

Previously finished audiobook -
Vanishing Acts - Jodi Piccoult - I really enjoyed this a lot, it did not disappoint at all!

Book form -
Chronicles of Pern - finished the dolphin short story and put it aside for a bit, definitely will come back to it but I had some other interests come up.
Complete Book of Sewing - ordered the newest release of this book and I'm reading this now, returned the older one - this is a great book to read and I've already learned a lot.

Conspiracy in Death - JD Robb. This is a series i've doing in audiobook form from my mom, she doesn't have this one book in the series so I bought it paperback and I started it. It's a light easy read, perfect for bedtime!

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