Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Third Circle (Arcane Society book 4) (again)

by Amanda Quick.

Again, re-reading these in historical order instead of written order. I read this one very quickly (almost in a single day) and since I was not feeling well I don't even remember much of it.

Main characters are Thaddeus Ware (mesmerist) and cousin to Caleb Jones. Leona Hewitt (crystal/dream worker) who has only one family member Uncle Edward (who went to America on an investment scheme).
Thaddeus' aunt Victoria (matchmaker) is a main character as well.

Adam Harrow and Mr. Pierce are main characters again in this one as well.

As for the hoodlums in this book - we have Dr. Basil Hulsey (chemist), Lancing (parahunter), Delbridge (collector of antiquities) and the entire Third Circle.

Next up would be Perfect Poison however that one is still quite expensive so I may wait. I still remember that one pretty well too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go to your local library and start reading them in order.. What I did was I went to Jayne Krantzs website, then I was able to look up the books in a series. And that's how I started reading them in order, right now I'm on The Third Circle.
Sure hope this solves the problem you might be having. And you won't have to wait to buy the books on Kindle. And you'll be able to read them as fast as you want.. If you don't mind reading the original books.
To me there's nothing better than picking up a book holding it between your hands. Then sitting in your favorite spot in your house with a cup of tea whether it's a chilly autumn day or it's raining.